Tuesday 12 April 2011

Final Products

Final Products

Final Front Cover
From the previous final design, I have added a price tag in the top right corner so that the customer would know what they are paying for the magazine, instead of taking the magazine to the counter before finding out how much it is, because if it was too expensive and they couldn't afford to buy it then it is embarrassing for the customer to take the magazine back to its original place and therefore it would be good to avoid embarrassing our target audience by not informing them of the price of the magazine.

                                                                  Final Contents Page
This is my final contents page. I have made a drastic change to the layout because the two column layout didn't look good. Also I have made the writing smaller so that I can fit more information on the page as well as moving the image to the right so that I can fit a column on the left hand side of the page. I have done this so that the one column has all the information the audiences needs and it is one place on the page, making it a lot easier than looking at both sides of the page for information.


Final Double Page Spread 
This is my final double page spread. The improvements I have made are changing the bright red font to a dark red font so that it matches the colour of the clothes that my model is wearing to combine the colour scheme. I have also added the number "6" in the bottom right corner of the right page to show the audience what page they are on.

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