Monday 14 February 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Research

This is a double page spread from a music magazine. The artist on show is Solange Knowles, known as Solange and also as Beyonce's Sister. The crease in the middle of the page does not affect any of the writing on any of the page, or the main photo, so therefore the fold of the page has been considered and the writer of this page has organised how he was going to avoid any problems with the layout. This means the readers will be able to read all the writing easily without straightening out the page because the fold has made it a struggle to see what is written on the page. The effect upon the reader is that therefore the audience will be more likely to choose to read the article rather than skipping past it because the writing isn't clearly visible.
Another positive factor is the colour scheme, The uses of a lot of white, with grey and black writing helps compliment yet also contrast at the same time. It is difficult to believe these two completely opposite things can happen, but the grey writing helps compliment the black writing and black borders whilst contrasting the white background so it is clear to read. The black writing contrasts the background too. The way these colours compliment each other is despite being contrasting colours they also go well together, to contrast can also be to compliment sometimes, and I believe in this instance it is very much the case, and this gives the sense of the page being a picture taken from a negative effect camera, but the coloured large picture in the middle and the light blue writing also contrast the whole page, which is not "in the script", it is something the audience don't expect to see and this little touch of colour impresses the audience by making the colours stand out to the audience. They may stand out because the editor wishes the image to stand out in particular because of a certain importance that they represent, or just to add colour to the page so the overall view of the page isn't too bland or plain.

This is a double page spread from a music magazine. This particular article is about the Black Eyed Peas. Immediately the image will draw your attention since it takes up two thirds of the entire two pages, and a negative of the image crossing over the fold of the page is that the image is cut off and cannot be fully viewed by the audience, and this can put off the audience as they prefer to see full images rather than seeing half the image. An example would be going to see a film at the cinema, if you paid and only saw up until the last 20 minutes then had to leave you would be disappointed. Therefore I think the design of putting the image over the centrefold of the page was a poor decision.
The organisation of other features such as the column of writing is clear to see, as well as the writing isn't too large and doesn't take up a vast quantity so therefore allows for more written information to be put into the column, and the black coloured font is also a contrast of the white background and hence helps to stand out to the read, attracting their attention and they read the article, and also the simple type of font makes it even easier to read. The affect overall is that the audience will feel more compelled to read the article as there are less complications involved than there would be without the contrasting colours and simple font, and hence this will reel in the audience to read this article.
The colour scheme on the double page spread is clear to identify with a mix of gold, black and white with other similar colours like beige and light grey, which are located across the page in images, writing and headings and created images. The image of BEP (Black Eyed Peas) has all varieties of these colours, with Will.I.Am wearing an all gold outfit, which outlines him as a special character, sort of like the "Golden One" or "Special One", and he has also been brought forward and overlaps the other characters in the photo. Then the other characters who are more faded than Will.I.Am are wearing black, white, beige and grey which contrast and compliment each other at the same time. The colours certainly stand out as striking and different which will catch the eye of the audience, but these colours also look good together as they make the other colours stand out too, and hence further standing out. Also, the white background helps to make the characters stand out as they are wearing strong colours, and the overall effect is that they are the main feature on the page which will draw attention.

This is a double page spread for a music magazine. This article includes British singer Lily Allen. The centrefold of the page is always going to be a problem when creating a double page spread, and in this double page spread, they have had to put the title across the centrefold, as well as the image also crossing the centrefold, but it has been organised very well, and they have used a good solution in an attempt to counter the problem of the centrefold blocking a photo or written information. The main heading is a long title, and it has to be large to catch attention and where it has crossed the centrefold, there is not a letter directly on it, but around the centrefold the letters are a lot bigger than the normal letters so that it is easier for the audience to work out what the heading is in fact saying, and this is a very well used technique as I can quite clearly see what the heading says, and I can't imagine it being hard to realise what the heading says unless the reader of the article has severe eye problems. The image has also cross over the centrefold of the page, but what they have done is move the picture around and possibly alter the size so that the vital parts of the photo, like the face and body are clearly visible. The image is a mid shot so you can only see down to the waist of Lily Allen, and her arm crosses over the centrefold, which I wouldn't consider a vital part of the photo, and the effect this has is that it shows the audience what they want to see and this compromise is therefore a very good compromise by the designed of the double page spread.
The colour scheme on this article is a collection of red, white and black. The image of Lily Allen follows this scheme, as she is wearing a chequered red, black and white shirt, and her hair is also jet black, and this combined with a white background, and black writing, and a black heading background with white writing on is further evidence that their was a planned colour scheme in this double page spread. These colours help contrast each other in terms of the image standing out, the heading standing out and the writing standing out too, and this use of certain colours will look good together together and hence have the effect upon the audience to read this page.
This is a double page spread from a music magazine. This article in particular is about American Rock band My Chemical Romance. There is good organisation on how the centrefold has been dealt with in this article. The heading does cross over the centrefold it has been focused so that a letter doesn't directly cross over, and I think that it has been done well. This means that the audience won't have to straighten out the magazine as much as possible to read the full title, and this makes it easier for the audience to read and this will attract the audience to read the article. The typical audience is always looking for the articles which are easiest to read, as being able to do something easier is what everyone wants to be able to do, so therefore making the article easier to read is essential to reel in the audience. And the images and writing have been placed so they are around the centrefold of the page, hence making them clearly visible and readable for the audience, and the heading crosses the centrefold but a compromise has been taken into affect and it can be read.
There are 4 images altogether across the 2 pages, and all images are in a black and white colour effect, and they all look like in action shots which will be photos that will be in demand with the audience and therefore the black and white colour scheme makes the pictures "Classic", as the black and white pictures were in the olden days, 50+ years back and they are considered the classic days and therefore this effect will make the band seem more classic and thought of as a classic band, hence this will make the audience think they are great, and they will be attracted to the article because of the pictures and the effects.
Also, the colour scheme compliments the black and white picture effect as the background colour varies from mostly black and bits of red. This will look good amongst the black and white photos, and the effect upon the audience is that the page will attract them to read the information present on it. The white writing on the black background will contrast and stand out from the background and will encourage the audience to pay attention to it, and also black writing on a small section of white background has the same effect.

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