Friday 25 March 2011

Contents Page Photo Shoot

This is the photo shoot for my contents page. I took two images, portrait and landscape images.
This is my first image that I took without a flash and I took it as a landscape image. I asked my model to dress with a hoody and to put the hood up and tighten it to his head. Then just pose like her was standing in any random place looking at the camera as something he might be looking at. The grey hoody helps outline his blue t shirt, his dark blue jeans and also his face which is a good effect to have. The only problem I have is the hoody might be too big because the hood is baggy towards the base of the hood and shoulder area. I took another photo, this time with as flash.
I don't think I would use this image because the image is limited and cuts at the models waist and I think I should at least include the top of his legs so that I have more options for placing my image on the page.
This photo was taken as a portrait photo and and with a flash. The improvements are that the model stands out from the background more, and I can also see more of his body in the shot. This therefore means he can take up more of the page when I edit and put him on my contents page. The facial expression is plain and this is was I wanted so that the audience have to read the writing about him to understand his emotion. Once again the grey hoody helps to outline his face, and helps his jeans and t shirt stand out and this means that this will catch the eye of the audience.
I would choose to use this image because it shows more of the model and also the slight tilt of the camera makes the pose slightly mysterious and will draw in the audience, therefore I will use and edit this image for my contents page.

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