This is the production stages for my DPS (Double Page Spread).
This is the first stage of production for my double page spread. I haven't messed about with using different colours or anything like that, I have focused on creating the content and placing it where I believe it should go. I have stuck with the light green background as this continues the continuity from the front cover and contents page that I have used the same colour background as I have on this document. I have made a three column layout on the left page for text which the text box links with text boxes on the right hand page which has one long column and a small bit of writing at the top of a second column.
I have also made my title which runs across the fold in the centre of the page and I believe the way I have placed the word would be fine if I were to print out this page and they wouldn't be sabotaged by the fold in the middle of the pages. The title is large and also adds mystery to the article and the use of an extremely well known celebrity name will reel in the audience as they want to know about "Kanye West" and what his "Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" is. It is a title which draws the audience in as it invites them to read the article and therefore this is a strength of my title. However, I haven't added the sell line to this document yet, and I may placed it in the document at the top of the page to keep the element of continuity within my magazine and not just stopping it after my front cover and contents page.
This is the second stage of production for my double page spread. I have altered a few features on this draft from the previous draft. I have made the name of "Kanye West" in the title the colour red to catch the eye of the audience, as the name is what will draw their attention so making the name a different colour to the rest yet also an eye catching bold colour will be a feature that draws attention to the article.
I have also introduced a drop cap feature at the beginning of my first paragraph which the first letter of the first word being made bigger and taking up two lines to further draw attention. Also I have added a colour to this letter and made it red to further make the letter stand out and signal the beginning of the text and document. The audience will want to start reading from the start of the text so this will help them notice where the start of the text is, which means the reader will read on through the text from the start of the text, receiving all the information available on the page.
I have added the sell line to the top of the pages which was on the contents page and front cover. By doing this it will remind the reader of the magazine they are reading, hence promoting the name and brand of the magazine as well as installing the element of continuity throughout the magazine, and by doing this I make the magazine flow efficiently.
This is the third stage of my production of my double page spread. I have introduced images onto this draft. I have inserted an image onto the left page of a close up of my model and with the background of the photo in the image, and it looks wrong because the background doesn't match the magazine background colour and contrasts but in a bad way. I will edit this image and take the background out.
Also the image on the right hand side had been put in. It is a long shot and I have the whole body of my model in shot as well as a dusty effect around his lower body. I have also had to make the image smaller so that it didn't overlap the writing and image seems too distant and too small and just doesn't catch the attentions of the audience and needs to be enlarged.This is the fourth stage of production for my double page spread, and I have made many changes in this draft. First of all, my images have been edited and altered. The image on the left page has been edited and had the background taken out of the image and now the image looks a lot better as it seems like a picture has been taken of the model with the background colour as the background colour behind the model and puts more emphasis on the model in the image. The image on the right hand side has been enlarged and it will help catch the attention of the audience much better and also the dusty effect now runs off the page and the image doesn't just cut off in the middle of the page like it did on the previous draft.
I have edited the title too. I have made the word "Fantasy" the colour red in order to catch the attention of the title on the right page too, because red was only on the left page and didn't draw emphasis to the right hand page.
I have also tried to introduce my colour scheme of using red and black on this page by turning some parts of the writing the colour of red as well as making them italic. The article is a "question and answer" type interview with the celebrity and therefore using a different colour for the answers or whenever Kanye has said something during the interview. This will draw attention to the article and especially to what the celebrity says, because the article is about Kanye and therefore the information about Kanye and whatever Kanye says is what the audience wants to know, not the personal opinion of the writer of the article. Therefore highlighting the important information to the audience makes it easier for them to find the relevant information, which will in turn give the audience an easier time looking for the information that they are looking for and they will be happier to read the article. The use of varying colours also means that it brightens up the article rather than using one colour which will make the article seem dull and makes it look like there has been a lack of effort put into it.
Improvements are to remove the last paragraph next to the image on the right hand side because it limits the image and it looks out of place. I also think I will introduce another image on the left hand page because the one image doesn't fill the page up enough and an extra image may fill the space and not waste the space available on the page.
This is the fifth and final stage of production of my double page spread. I have made a few improvements from the previous draft. I have inserted another edited image onto the left hand page to the left of the other image and moved the other image to the right side of the left page to make space for the new image. The effect I have used is a blur effect in an attempt to make the image seem like a portrait painting of Kanye, which is a unique type of photo and also something that I was inspired to created through the film "The Godfather" as the image gives a classic and old fashioned feel to the article. The image suggests that Kanye is a classical artist, like a legend and this is promoting him in a positive light using this sort of image.
The other improvement I had made is getting rid of the paragraph that was standing by it self on the right page, and this has allowed me to enlarge the image on that page more which gives a more professional look. The one column on that page looks organised rather than having a random paragraph which appears out of place.
I have also went through all of the text making sure the text is organised well so that a word doesn't split, so that the audience can read the article with ease and so that the written text looks professionally written like you would see in an actual music magazine.
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