Friday 25 March 2011

Contents Page Target Audience Feedback

David Brogden
colour scheme stays the same from the front cover, makes it a running theme for the magazine
sell line follows on from the front cover
artist is highlighted on the contents page for what page they are on
numbers aren't clear for what page they are for
Daniel Smith
image in the middle of the page helps him stand out
Colours used clear to see
The red isn't so clear on the coat
I don't like the green background
Kaysie Chambers
Same colour scheme as front cover looks good
The writing overlapping the image sometimes isn't clear to be read
Numbers are not clear for which story is assigned to which page
Helen Martin
I like the continuity used regarding the fonts and colour scheme when comparing this with the front cover. The information presented is clear and straight to the point.
Although I said I liked how easy the information is to read, I think that there might be slightly too much information on one page.

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