Friday 25 March 2011

Front Cover Target Audience Feedback

David Brogden
The use of space on the front cover is good. The front cover isn't too crowded, nor too spacious, there is just the right amount of content. The cover line have been arranged so that they flow around the main image and this means they are easier to read and you don't have to go searching for them. The contrasting colours used on the front cover make it eye catching and the written text is easy to read.
The masthead does not stand out enough as it uses a basic font and is not particularly eye catching.

Daniel Smith
Positives: I like the way that the cover lines go across the right hand side.
Switch of colour helps break it up.
Main image big
It is clear to see what the mast head is and makes it stand out amongst cover lines
The change of colour is a bit too much, it hurts my eyes.

Kaysie Chambers
The way the image overlaps the masthead and the way the cover lines overlap the image is an attractive feature
Dull green background is not very appealing and does not make the front cover look attractive
No price listed on magazine, customers don't know the price until they take magazine to counter so they won't bother wasting their time and effort

Helen Martin
I like the font used on all of the page because it is clear and stands out, I also think that the colours of the fonts help emphasis the words used.
I don't like the shade of green used for the background, although I think it compliments the picture well.

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